Qualified Factory Introductions

So you want to visit the factory that's making your products; you want to see what is really going on. With SRI you are more than welcome! We would love to help you meet with the engineers and managers that are manufacturing your products. SRI can help you with factory visits at various points along the manufacturing process.

Maybe you just want to see the possibilities before you invest in overseas production. SRI can introduce you to as many factories as you have time to visit. Our network of factories in Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China is extensive and growing. SRI also works through tradeshows and other trade groups to offer you as many qualified options as possible.

After you have selected a product or committed to doing overseas production, SRI can introduce you to qualified factories that have capabilities in your product areas. We can screen factories for your specific requirements and then introduce you and help you make the final site selection. As SRI does not take kickbacks from any factory, we have no conflict of interests in factory selection. SRI can help you decide on the best factory for price, quality and timing for your product.

Once production has begun, SRI can bring you into a factory that is manufacturing your products. You are free to have one of your own engineers to do QC or to have a designer see the color dying or packaging process. Because SRI is committed to quality production and timely delivery, we are sincerely interested in helping you understand the manufacturing process. You can participate as much or as little as you like.

Contact us for more information.

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