The SRI Network

The SRI Network is a growing collection of websites that offer unique goods and services to our customers in the West. Each member of our network is guaranteed to adhere to the strict standards that SRI stands for. Please feel free to explore our network and discover what Asia has to offer.

SRI China Factory Direct
Search our online catalog of thousands of ready-made products available direct from our factory contacts here in China.
My SRI Artist
Turn your own photographs into beautiful pieces of custom hand-drawn artwork — unlike anything you've seen before.
Earthmade Paper Company
Exotic handmade paper imported from Thailand. Browse our selection of papers from Mulberry and Banana to Wrinkled Metallic and Embossed. Perfect for your scrapbooking project!
My SRI Tailor (Coming Soon)
High quality, custom-tailored suits from Thailand delivered to your door.

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